
Sweet Bakeries, Savory Bakeries, Cake Bakeries: What Bakeries Make Defines What Type They Are

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In France, a boulangerie is strictly a bread making bakery. A patisserie is a bakery that makes sweets, such as cakes and cookies. Oddly enough, the tradition of separating types of bakeries transferred to the U.S., and today we have multiple types of bakeries too. While not all bakeries specialize so specifically, some bakeries are defined by the culture that their food originates from, like Champion Bakery Inc., while others are simply defined by the more specific type of baked good they provide.…

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4 Breads You Shouldn't Bake at Home

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Some breads are tricky to make. They require years of practice to learn how to make perfect. If you are a really dedicated baker, then go ahead and experiment. However, if you just want a nice loaf of bread for a party or for a weekend dinner, then it is sometimes better to buy a loaf from a local bread supplier.  Some breads are more suited for home bakers. For example, the perfectly namedPane di Casa is an Italian bread that is easy to make.…

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